Vaginal Dryness: Reasons & Remidies

Vaginal dryness is a common issue every woman suffers from in their lifespan. Female genitals are quite sensitive so they may suffer from this problem often. Because of the absence of sufficient humidity inside the organ women undergo this problem. The humidity inside the vagina may get dried off due to various reasons, so finding the actual reason can only solve the problem. The unfortunate effects are seen when they urinate or have sexual intercourse with their partner. You may feel extreme pain to sheer inflammation in the urinal passage.

Keeping it simple, think of a mouth or nose; it can be any human body part that needs a touch of moisture to work perfectly. The human vagina is the same thing. It is the entrance, or you can say, an exit point of the human body. Women release their urine from this organ and also receive semen while copulation. This body part requires constant wetness and mucus for protection and barrier. So, it is crucial you maintain proper hygiene there ensure good health. Here are a few more tips to help you.

Reason For Vaginal Dryness

Women undergo the dry feeling in their vaginas as a natural process. As their age increases, they follow the effects of menopause. It is the end of the menstrual cycle. However, vaginal dryness can occur due to a number of reasons. Breastfeeding, menopause, use of antidepressants, etc., are some of the common reasons. In fact, if you experience severe stressful events, it impacts your lady parts. Medications and contraceptives may have side effects causing dryness. People who use scented soaps & lotions or smoke, often have distress in their vulva.

The feeling can be uncomfortable to unbearable. Some treatments and surgical interventions also affect the health of the vulva. But what can affect you more is sexual desire. With a dry lady part, you may feel pain and have bad experiences during penetration. Sex is crucial in your life, but with this uneasiness, you will only resist it. One must never neglect the soreness or itchiness around the vulva, as it is the first symptom of the dry passage.

Easy Remedy

There can be a lot of problems that concern your lady parts. But the first thing to do is find the cause. The reason can be anything to many things. The best is to see a certified medical practitioner. Professional gynecologists can prescribe you ointments, body wash, and pills to help you out of this issue. The vagina is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Wearing inadequate underpants that are tight, itchy, or uncomfortable can also boost infections. So before making it a serious issue, get to a doctor.

Try Foreplay before Sex

Arousal is an important section of sex and vaginal health. When you are going to have sexual intercourse, try for some foreplay. The act will bring moisture into your vagina helping you feel and take the penetrating strokes better. The more you enjoy foreplay, the more you get aroused and prevent the dryness in your vulva. You can experiment with a lot of things that help you have a fruitful time. Involve toys in erotic lingerie and fetch a satisfying evening.

You can go through some erotic comics or books that inspire you to watch porn. Reach out for practices that your body loves. Trying and experimenting with various things is the best option. Apply some lubes to ease off the uneasiness. It will arouse you well and keep your vagina moist. Use fantasy to wake your sexy mind and make it true for you. Enjoy penetration inch by inch by touching, kissing, caressing, licking, gasping, and doing whatever you feel good about.

Drink Water

Water is next to life, and the statement is true for every living being on this planet. For you, it works as a lubricant. Engulfing much amount of water helps your body [arts function well. The saliva in your mouth and mucus in your vagina is made of the same ingredient, water. A hydrated body helps your secret all the juices your body needs to do various functions. It is better to rely on natural processes. Drink at least four to five liters of water. This practice will enrich the water level in your body.

Practice Kegel Exercise

Exercises that strengthen your pelvic muscles help you a lot. The kegel exercise gives your genitals more power and control. You can even hold your urine for a longer period and enjoy sex. Practicing them regularly provokes friction during sex enraging your satisfaction. The act also stimulates and keeps the genitals in shape so that they look beautiful and perform well during copulation. Hence the practice is good to prevent vaginal dryness giving you intense feelings during sex and letting you enjoy more.

Use Vaginal Moisturizers

To maintain good health of the genitals, people can use a multitude of moisturizers directly on them. Nowadays, various companies have produced such creams that have a touch of oestrogen in them that heals the walls of the vagina. As a result, it regenerates vaginal tissues and makes them strong. You can consult an expert to help you choose the right ointment that keeps you well. Sometimes hormonal imbalances are also steep in the dryness of the vulva. The imbalance may vary from person to person. So reach a doctor for better treatment.

Hygiene and health are really important for a human. Ignoring the fact will disturb the body’s balance. The texture of the underwear, regular urinal habits, and frequency of sex also affect your vaginal health. Most ladies use only those products that boost their vulva’s nutritious value. You must follow the same. Start avoiding drinking, smoking, and other health-hazardous habits. Vitamins A, B, and E are crucial that betters vaginal health. Food items like carrots, spinach, pumpkins, eggs, and pistachios are rich in all these nutrients. Taking them every day will boost the health of your vulva.