Experiencing Premature Ejaculation? Follow These Tips to Avoid It

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common problems men are facing during their sex time. You are not along if you are experiencing this sexual concern. It happens when someone achieves orgasm quickly or without control. Generally, men with premature ejaculation are not able to delay it.

Some studies have indicated that about one in five men face this problem during their sex time. If it is an infrequent event, you don’t need to get worried. But you must act immediately if you are experiencing the issue every so often. Here this blog explains some effective tips you can use to avoid it.

What Leads to Premature Ejaculation?

The particular reasons are unknown as it happens to men based on several physical and psychological reasons. However, there are some common causes that may result in early ejaculation. According to the experts, men with low levels of the chemical serotonin in their brains are prone to experiencing such sexual concerns.

Emotional Factors That Can Result in Premature Ejaculation:

  • Anxiety about performance
  • Guilty feelings
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Relationship problems
  • Sexual repression

Physical Factors That Lead to Early Ejaculation:

  • Unusual hormone level
  • Low level of neurotransmitter
  • Infection in your prostate or urethra
  • Inheritance issue

Is PE (Premature Ejaculation) is a Sign of Serious health Issue?

No, this is not a serious health concern in many cases. People with PE can treat this problem easily using some tips. It is a rare incident when this sexual concern can lead to some serious issues.

How Premature Ejaculation is Diagnosed?

As mentioned above, you don’t need to worry if it is an infrequent event. But you must talk to the expert if it is interfering your sex life. It is diagnosed through a friendly session.

How to Avoid Premature Ejaculation?

There are basically two methods you can use to get rid of this problem. Let us start with the behavior tips, which are somehow more effective than any other tips:

  • Distract from the Sex Acts: Sometimes, people with high arousal level face premature ejaculation. In such conditions, he is suggested distracting from the sexual acts that arouse their genitals. If you are so, you should take a deep breath and imagine something different or boring if possible. Think about the things that hardly can distract you from the stimulating things. Experts believe that a man can start controlling his ejaculation when he starts feeling less aroused.
  • Stop and Start Method: This is one of the most effective methods that can surely help you avoid it—you need to do some precautionary things while having sex with your partner. When you feel nearing climax, take out your penis and relax for a while to defer the ejaculation.

After a little while, you may again start the process. By stopping and starting the sexual stimulation, you will easily learn how to stay sexually active in bed for a longer period. Over the period, it helps you interrupt ejaculation.

  • “Squeeze” Method: It works the same way how the stop and start technique works. When you feel that you are about to reach your orgasm, you can squeeze the head of your penis firmly for 10-20 seconds until the ejaculation is about to happen. Silencing the ejaculation for a few seconds can work amazingly.

This method should be repeated every so often until the sex time increases. You may also use this method along with “Stop & Start Method” to get the outcome quickly.

  • Use More Foreplay Acts to Lengthen the Sex Time: Experts suggest using more foreplay to make the sex time more enjoyable. Let your partner stimulate you through some arousal acts—you should also use your techniques to take your partner to the state of high arousal. That way, you can enjoy the ejaculation without the sense of guilt.

It also helps you hold up your sexual excitement for a while as you are doing roleplay to add more excitement to the entire session.

  • Masturbation: If you don’t masturbate, you should start as it gives you a sense of pleasure in a different manner. On the other hand, you can also practice to hold your ejaculation while masturbating. You can use the “Squeeze technique” and Stop & Start method” while masturbating. It also helps your body to learn how to respond to sexual stimulation.

Getting the experience your sexual sensation also boosts your confidence—and this is the most important factor to address the emotional behavior.

In a nutshell, premature ejaculation can be a sexual concern, but there are many ways you can get rid of this issue easily. So, don’t let this problem interrupt your sex life. Take on these tips and see how you start feeling the change in your sex life.