A Beginner’s Guide: How to Make Anal Sex Pleasurable and Safe

Even though anal intercourse is an increasingly common sexual practice, it remains weird for some people. As more Couples experiment with this sort of sex, it’s critical to understand the dangers, benefits, and right approach. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, anal sex is becoming increasingly prevalent among young couples. In reality, according to a nationwide poll, 36 percent of women and 44 percent of men admitted to having anal intercourse with a partner of the opposite gender.

Anal sex includes penetration near the anal area Anal intercourse is commonly thought of as anal penetration with a penis, but there are a few more choices. Fingers or the tongue can be used during anal sex. Vibrators, dildos, and butt plugs are some of the sex toys that are utilized.

How to have anal sex

Anal intercourse isn’t inherently risky, like any other sexual activity. It just needs more forethought, preparation, and communication than other types of sexual activity. While safety should always take precedence during sex, having a good time is also essential. To find out more, keep reading.

It might be weird at first to explore the anal area, so make sure you and your partner have discussed it and are both willing to try it out before you begin. Explain to your lover that anal sex isn’t for you if you realize you don’t enjoy it. If you wish to have penetrative anal sex, begin by gently rubbing and stroking yourself to get acclimated to the notion and ensure that you are comfortable. This is significant because the sphincter (a muscle in the anus) must be relaxed for penetration to be pleasant. If you’re having anal sex, make sure you have enough lube on hand and begin by entering just a bit before pulling entirely out.

When your partner is ready, go a little deeper and then pull back. Carry on like this until you’re completely engrossed. Listen to your partner and comprehend their feelings; be ready to quit at any time if they are uncomfortable or in pain. Both the person delivering and receiving anal sex might find it arousing and delightful, but it might take some time to become used to how it feels. If things don’t go as planned the first time, try again when you’re both in the mood. Remember that you have the option to pause or stop at any time. Just because you’ve begun something doesn’t imply you have to keep going.

How to avoid pain during anal sex

  1. Use lube to lessen the pain: Because the anus produces no lubricant, take a break to lubricate if sexual penetration gets uncomfortable. Only use water-based or silicone lubricants when using a latex condom. Other lubricants may cause the condom to deteriorate.
  2. Cleaning the anus with water or a light soap before anal sex can make some people feel more at ease because they are worried about excrement or being unclean.
  3. Get in position – Many people find anal sex comfortable by lying on their stomachs side. Doggy style is also an effective position to make anal sex comfortable.
  4. Starting slowly and gently lowers the chance of harm while also improving the pleasure of anal intercourse. Start with your fingers or little sex toys, then go to a penis or larger sex object as you gain confidence.
  5. Before penetration, relax the anal muscles by gently pressing down as if having a bowel movement. This will make penetration easier and lessen nervousness.
  6. Keep communicating with your partner continuously during sex. If it hurt tell him to go slow.

Can orgasm be experienced with Anal sex?

Orgasm is a possible side effect of anal intercourse, although it isn’t always the goal. Anal intercourse can be a pleasurable pastime. An erogenous zone for some people is the anus. As a result, even a little bit of fun might be enticing. Because the anus contains a lot of sensitive nerve endings, it responds well to sexual stimulation. The tension around the penis can also be pleasurable for the partner who inject.

Men’s orgasm can be enhanced by anal intercourse because it stimulates the prostate gland. While clitoral stimulation may be required for women to reach climax during anal sex, this is not the only technique to achieve orgasm. To reach climax, oral or vaginal sex could be required.